Posts Tagged ‘ animals ’

Dragonfly: The Mirage Bug

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The Dragonfly in and of itself is a gorgeous magical creature, moving as if teleporting around lakes, rivers and puddles. Being a flying insect strongly tied to bodies of water makes Dragonfly almost impossible to grasp fully for our land-based, mammal sensibilities. These extreme unique biological characteristics play into its power as a totem. Adaptable, mysterious and ephemeral, Brother Dragonfly isn’t easily defined and doesn’t teach just one lesson.

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The Misuderstood Guardian: Cat

As a Dog shaman myself you would think that I am at odds with the Cat totem, and in a way this is true, but in an other way couldn’t be further from the truth. Essentially the only difference between the two is the method in which they guard humanity. Sure Dog is a strong, masculine, sun energy that everyone recognizes as our partner and stalwart protector, but like with most things of this nature Cat goes unsung because it protects us in ways we can’t perceive.

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